How to Stay Sober: 10 Tips Aftercare

Many people need more time to get the skills they need to continue sober life outside of a sober living program. Get treatment for other medical or mental health issues. People often abuse alcohol to ease the symptoms of an undiagnosed mental health problem, such as depression or anxiety. As you seek help for alcohol addiction, it’s also important to get treatment for any other psychological issues you’re experiencing. Your best chance of recovery is by getting combined mental health and addiction treatment from the same treatment provider or team. During inpatient addiction treatment, you might have gone through detox and learned about co-occurring mental health issues related to alcohol and substance use disorders.

It’s continual treatment to help you get better, continue checking in and isolate why you turned to alcohol in the first place and how to avoid triggers going forward. Therapy is a great outlet to discuss your struggles honestly. Again, staying sober isn’t a punishment, it’s a reward.

Don’t Let One Slip Become a Relapse!

While having a conversation with other people is ideal as they offer new insights and lines of thinking, talking your obstacles out loud to yourself doesn’t hurt either. Similar to getting a new job, another way you can fill your time is volunteering. Animal shelters, aquariums, homeless shelters or even AA meetings.

  • Offer your support along each step of the recovery journey.
  • Substance Use for Teens Explore individualized treatment programs that help teens with drug abuse, mental health, and co-occurring conditions.
  • A therapist can help you learn new coping skills, develop new thinking patterns, and address any co-occurring mental health conditions that may make recovery more difficult.
  • Most people with alcohol problems do not decide to make a big change out of the blue or transform their drinking habits overnight.
  • The phrase is not just a common encouragement, it holds great meaning representing the gratitude an individual feels about their sobriety, and the importance of it presently.

Now that you are sober, you may have discovered that some of your past relationships were not only unhealthy but downright toxic. It’s not just your drinking buddies and drug dealers who can get you into trouble—sometimes those who are closest to you can contribute to a relapse. Some of the immediate changes you will need to make will be obvious—like not hanging around the people that you used with or obtained drugs from. After all, you can’t hang around your drug dealer or old drinking buddies and expect to remain sober for very long. Other definitions, however, often focus on the process of recovery and developing coping mechanisms and habits that support health and wellness over the long term. Total abstinence may be the goal, but the reality is that setbacks are common. If you’re interested in sobriety, it might help to start by looking at your current behavior and what you want to change about it.

What Is The Meaning of Sobriety?

Find out if you or a one may have a mental health or substance use disorder. At Lakeview Health, we’re here to help you learn more about sobriety in recovery, and get control over your drinking. It’s not easy to ask for help, but doing so is the first step to getting your life back. Track more addictions and get access to more communities. When you’re using drugs or alcohol, you can feel like you’re skating through life, but never really feeling or being in any of the moments. Living a drug-free life or an alcohol-free life means not only that you can be present, but that you’ll remember everything in your life in a clear-headed way.

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Obviouosly, you don’t want to put yourself in financial danger, but if your job was a factor in your, then you need to put your needs first. You ever try to cut something out of your diet you ingest every day? Suffice to say, it’s difficult, but it can be an excellent way to help you stay sober.

How The Definition of Sobriety Can Vary Among Different People

For people who are in recovery from substance or alcohol use, the definition of sobriety is similar to the definition of abstinence. It means living a life free of drug or alcohol use. Decide what you’ll say if someone asks why you’re sober. You can try to avoid the conversation, but it’s good to have a response ready in case that’s not possible. If the question comes from someone you know well, you may want to say that drugs or alcohol became a problem for you, so you’re staying away from them.

behavioral health

Get addiction help now (24/7 helpline)Our ApproachWe’re here for you every step of the way. Contemplative meditation, like yoga, helps you focus on your breathing and your place within the world. It may be hard at first to slow your thoughts down. Don’t expect yourself to sit down and meditate for an hour at the beginning; practice with 15 or 30 seconds to begin and move up from there. Following a guided meditation may also prove beneficial.

Remind Yourself Why You Became Sober

Stay accountable together and track your sobriety privately. Groups are great for complimenting your real-world group like Alcoholics Anonymous, NA, SA, SMART Recovery, or your rehab center. Being sober will help you build relationships and cope with hardships better. Sober living is vibrant, fulfilling, and a way to enjoy real experiences and relationships.

  • You may find yourself liking this new sobriety thing, as you’ll feel and look better from the inside out.
  • The best way forward for your recovery from alcohol or substance use is to incorporate a wide variety of strategies that will help foster success.
  • It’s one of the reasons we track your time saved in the app.
  • Proper nutrition and regular exercise improve our moods and make us feel better overall.
  • Your donations help us to effectively continue the implementation of the world’s oldest and largest alternative to spiritual 12-step support groups.

A dry drunk is an individual who abstains from alcohol but continues to act in much the same way as when they were drinking. They are not using alcohol but in many ways they are far from sober.

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