How to Overcome Food Addiction

Addictive behavior is often triggered by a negative event that leads to depression, anxiety, or anger. These negative events are bound to occur from time to time in any person’s life, but they do not have to lead to harmful behavior. Your ability to deal with emotional upsets in a healthy, functional way is critical to eliminating addiction. Think about the benefits of your addiction when it first began, and compare these to the benefits that you seek now. Do you engage in your addictive activity in order to seek positive sensations or in order to drown out negative ones?

As a result, overcoming addiction requires growing up and assuming adult roles. In this process you learn to take responsibility not only for yourself and your own behavior but for other people in your life. One natural outgrowth of this mature outlook is that you may no longer see yourself as powerless or label yourself an addict. You may no longer feel any need for the addiction, so it ceases to have any presence in your life.

You might need to call someone in the middle of the night just to talk. If you’re going through a tough time, don’t try to handle things on your own — accept the help your family and friends offer. Alternative activities are especially crucial for your weakest moments, those times when the misery of your condition is most likely to overcome you. You need to put in place contingency plans for the “high-risk” situations where you have always gone wrong in the past. If you have severe addictive episodes that you find intolerable, record their times, dates, and circumstances. This information will help you both to analyze the circumstances that lead to these incidents and to evaluate your success at reducing them.

What is an addiction?

If more than four to five of the symptoms on this list apply, it could mean there’s a deeper issue. If six or more apply, then it’s likely a food addiction. Food addiction operates similarly to other addictions, which explains why some people can’t control themselves around certain foods — no matter how hard they try. Psychosocial treatments are a multimodal approach to alcohol use disorder and can include therapy, education, training, and more. The benefits of physical exercise on mental disorders and quality of life in substance use disorders patients.

  • In the second place, you feel more confident about being able to meet and overcome challenges.
  • They cannot imagine themselves reacting automatically to some external stimulus.
  • It is true that repeated failures are demoralizing and may signify that you need to try something new.
  • Acknowledging that you have a lot on your plate is healthy and completely normal.
  • Substance use disorder and addiction affect many people.

In these instances, an addicted person’s partner may actually sabotage attempts to change an addictive habit. Insecure about her own attractiveness or her role in her partner’s life, this spouse may feel that the less attractive the addicted partner is to the outside world, the more dependent he will be on her. This is a common dynamic with a people addicted to drugs and alcohol and their partners.

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Food addiction is a problem that rarely resolves on its own. Unless a conscious decision to deal with it is made, chances are it will worsen over time. These include 12-step programs like Overeaters Anonymous , GreySheeters Anonymous , Food Addicts Anonymous , and Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous . Think about what foods to eat — preferably healthy foods that are liked and already eaten regularly.

battling addiction

This organization was created by a group of educators, scientists, and analysts. Drugs and Me offers a list of educational materials that might be helpful. Try to find out what prompts your compulsive behavior or substance use. Defining an addiction is tricky, and knowing how to handle one is even harder. If you think the Life Process Program is for you get started with us today.


This technique is so successful in fact that some of the top inpatient drug rehab centers use this with their clients to get them back on track mentally and deter relapse. Shopping addiction might impact your personal relationships if you share a joint bank account with someone you love. Even worse, it could negatively impact your personal finances the effects of combining alcohol with other drugs and potentially lead to crippling credit card debt. Unfortunately, though, many people will either diminish or normalize this addiction, and that’s part of what makes sex addiction so dangerous. Because sex addiction is often not talked about, or worse, normalized, the thoughts, decisions, and behaviors can become harmful very quickly.

At times, it can seem like we are assisting or protecting a loved one struggling with substance issues, but we are truly enabling their behavior. There may even be times when you are supporting their addiction without realizing it. Treatment options can seem overwhelming or even confusing at times. It is completely understandable that you are worried about your loved ones and want to find effective ways to help them.

battling addiction

The physician or other health care worker then initiates a conversation about steps to lower risk, which, in Brief Interventions for alcohol, usually means reducing your drinking from an unhealthy level. Why did Uncle Ozzie quit smoking that one day, after thirty years of constant, intense smoking? He had never previously considered quitting, but less than twenty-five words thrown out by a blue-collar colleague somehow caused him to drop the addiction. We will return to this question in the next section, but for now it is enough to recognize that he did it. It is a tool that you can use to examine your own life, non-judgmentally, noting what you have and what you lack, in terms of the skills and resources you need to beat addiction.


You need to take responsibility for your addiction; it is yours and no one else’s. This is hard because the bulk of conventional addiction theory attempts to shift responsibility understanding the triggers of an alcohol intolerance for the habit away from the addict and onto the substance. Shiffman discovered that each of these techniques for resisting the urge to smoke was equally effective.

In the following chart, we describe a set of progressive goals for a woman who wants to become a licensed psychotherapist. Think of the individual rungs you need to climb to move you toward your ultimate goals. The best antidote to these problems is to write down your goal here’s how caffeine, sugar, and alcohol impact your arthritis and your behavior in meeting it. If you have written down your goal along with everything you have done to fulfill it, you will have an unambiguous record of your progress. Seeking an end point to recovery, when you are no longer a recovering person but a recovered one.

Additional Resources

Their acceptance of your non-addict self-image will bolster your new self-view, just as your conviction in your new identity will convince others of its veracity. Not only is addiction the antithesis of responsibility, but believing in the power of addiction actually makes it more likely that the addiction will lead you to behave in an irresponsible manner. Taking responsibility for avoiding bad behavior is thus both a characteristic of a mature identity and the antithesis of addiction. Of course, as an addict you explain that you can’t pay your bills because you are spending your money on bets, drugs, alcohol, shopping, or whatever. And you can’t show up on time for an appointment because you are hung over. The more you believe any or all of these myths, the more likely you are to remain addicted.

You must gain confidence that you will be able to deal reasonably with the problem. Many of us are waiting for just the right moment to change, when the costs of the addiction are so great that change is unavoidable. We can imagine the perfect situation for kicking the addiction; we’re just not there yet. Most people assume that drug use is inherently rewarding—which is the position taken by the National Institute on Drug Abuse. That is, people take it for granted that drugs such as cocaine and heroin are so pleasurable that it is almost impossible to resist them once you have tried them. The key to this approach is to push the ball back to the other person , even when you feel you know what the truth of the matter is.

For example, spouses often quit smoking, lose weight, reduce alcohol consumption, or work together to eliminate other addictions. Moreover, over time, addictions take on their own momentum. You lose focus on how the addiction is damaging you—you begin to take the sensations and rewards it offers you as a given, as though you had no other way to obtain them. Excessive alcohol consumption, eating, and sexual activity etc provide you with feelings and sensations that you desire and need. Some of these essential feelings are a sense of being valued, of being a worthwhile person, or of being in control. It is critical for you, or anyone trying to help a person with an addictive problem, to understand the needs that the addiction fulfills.

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